Welcome to the HR3 Online Help

HR3 presents a suite of products that includes:





With these products as stand alone or in combination, you can satisfy your company's HR and Payroll needs.

The aim of this online help is to take you through all of the main tasks that can be performed with HR3, provide support for you and Hints and Tips on how to perform tasks quickly and easily.

Throughout Online Help, these products are notated in bold and italic text, in order to distinguish them as HR3 products. For example, you may see payroll which refers to HR3's product, and you may see Payroll which refers to the menu item.

Product Terminology:
In prior versions payroll was HR3pay, kiosk was HR3people (or HR3kiosk), hr was HRpack. OHS will be renamed whs in a later version.
Be aware that every effort has been made to ensure the relevant new product references are used, however there may still be instances of prior product names used. Please let us know if you find such an instance that needs to be changed.

To begin, see the Quick Start Reference Guide

Windows Versioning

Please note that the windows and buttons shown in some screen shots may appear slightly different to the ones you see on your computer. This is because you may be using a different version of Windows, or may have configured the appearance of your Windows differently.

For example: In one version of Windows, the Template screen may look like this (which is how it appears in payroll Help):



However you may be running a version of Windows where Template looks like this:

Searching in Help

This online Help includes a full text search function. To use this function, click on the Search tab, then enter the term you require and click on the List Topics button. Select the required entry.