Preview a Standard Pay

This screen can be used to verify an employee's standard pay settings.  

  1. Once the employee file is open, select Pay Items on the left.
  2. Click the Preview a Standard Pay tab on the right.

The payslip preview displays details of the standard pay defined for this employee including:

  • Employee details such as name, number, pay point, banking details.
  • Company details including the ABN.
  • Payrun dates, based on the pay period defined. In preview mode payroll assumes today is the period ending date. Actual payrun dates will be displayed in a live payrun.
  • Payrun summary including gross and net pay, taxable and non-taxable income, tax withheld and any other deductions.
  • Optional leave entitlements - see payrun preferences to specify which leave types are shown on payslips.
  • Payrun details display line-by-line details of each item in the payrun including ordinary time and overtime, super, allowances and deductions.