Superannuation Details

This screen is used to link an employee to a super fund, and to enter superannuation pay items used to make both employer and employee contributions. An employee can be linked to multiple super funds at once, for example if they change funds, or contribute to more than one fund.

To View or Amend an Employee's Super Details:

  1. Once the employee file is open, select Super on the left.
    The Employee Details Super screen will open. It is divided into two parts:
  • Employee Superfunds which lists any super funds to which the employee is currently contributing, or has contributed to in the past.
  • Pay Items which shows the details of the Pay Items used to make both employer and employee contributions.

Adding a Super Fund:

  1. Click the Add New button.
  2. In the pop-up window complete the settings for the super fund as required:
  3. Field Explanation Wizard
    Super Fund (Mandatory) Select the super fund from the list, or select <<Add New> to enter details of a new fund. Step 9 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Superannuation"

    Employee's Superfunds section

    Joined Date (Optional)Enter the date the employee joined the fund.
    Ceased Date (Optional) Enter the date the employee left the fund.
    Member No. (Optional) Enter the employee's membership number. Step 9 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Superannuation"

    Employee's Superfunds section

    Vendor ID (Optional) This is used to link super contributions for this fund to a vendor in an external accounts payable system.
    Autho. TaxNo (Optional) If the employee has authorised you to submit their TFN to the super fund the tick this box, otherwise leave it blank.
    TaxNoSupplied (Optional) If you have supplied the TFN to the super fund, then check this box, otherwise leave it blank.

Adding Superannuation Pay Items:

When you select a super fund in the top half of the screen, the system will automatically insert a super pay item in this section, which will be used to calculate the mandatory employer contribution (SR). If you wish to make a dollar-based contribution, or the employee wants to make their own contributions (SE): 

  1. In the Items section of the screen, click on the Add New button.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the required pay item from the list (only pay items linked to the selected fund will display).
  3. View or complete the following information as required:
  4. Field Explanation Wizard
    Details Tab
    Pay Item Only pay items which have been linked to the selected super fund are available in this list. If the pay item does not exist yet, you will need to create it after completing the Employee Creation Wizard and then add it to the Superannuation section of the employee file. Step 9 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Superannuation"

    Items section

    Percentage This box will always be greyed out and can't be edited at this point. If it is ticked, the value in the Amount field is a percentage. If it is blank, the value in the Amount field is dollar based.
    Amount If this is a percentage based item, enter the relevant percentage rate. Otherwise, enter the dollar amount to be applied in each payrun.
    Per Pay Thresholds
    This section allows you to set minimum and/or maximum amounts, per payrun, for the payment of super.
    Enforce Minimum In the payrun the Super payment is calculated as a percentage of the earnings, and this may take into account a Minimum Earnings Threshold value. However, if this option is ticked, and a minimum value is set here, this will override the calculated value if that is lower.
    Minimum Amount
    Enforce Maximum Where employers pay over and above the standard SGC, this option allows you to specify that this payment amount is to be capped, and at what amount.
    Maximum Amount
    Annual/Quarterly Thresholds
    Tick this option if, for this Super item, you do not want to apply the company-wide Annual/Quarterly SGC Threshold for this employee. This may be used in conjunction with the Enforce Maximum option above, i.e. the Maximum Amount you specify there will be applied in place of the standard threshold.

Changing or Deleting Super Funds:

When an employee changes from their existing super fund to a new fund, there are two possible scenarios, namely:

  • If the existing fund has an Associated Earnings History or a super transaction has been processed in the payrun, you will be unable to delete the fund. However you can delete associated super pay items to prevent further transactions being processed by selecting the required pay item and clicking Delete.
  • Where there is no associated earnings history, you can delete the entire fund from the employee's record by selecting the required fund and clicking Delete.

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