Documents in Employee files

This section can be used to load or attach documents for this employee. Your options vary, depending on whether or not you have purchased HRpack:

  • If you have not purchased hr, you can load any documents which relate to this employee, such as resumes, property issues and so on.
  • If you have purchased hr, you would primarily use this section for documents which do not have a dedicated repository, such as pay-related notifications from the employee regarding banking splits, salary sacrifice arrangements and so on. HR-related documents would normally be loaded using the dedicated repositories of the events, training, skills or property nodes (these nodes would be hidden if HRpack had not been purchased). These repositories are mirrored within HRpack itself, meaning a document loaded in the employee file is accessible through hr and vice versa.

Using Document Store to Add a Document (or Image)

When you have common files for Employees, Document Store is the preferred method for adding documents/images in HR3pay.

  1. Once you are in the Employee file, select the Document Store node.
  2. In the Document Selector dialog box you have two options:
    • Begin typing the Title of the required document (or image). A list of possible files is displayed automatically, based on your search entry.
    • Alternatively, click the Search button Search Button in Document Store to browse through the folder structure
    Regardless of the option used, highlight the required document/image then click OK
  3. With the name of the document/image displayed in Document Selector, click OK. This displays the document/image name within the Documents tab.

Note that this document/image is linked from the Document Store - it has not added a new copy of the file here. In this way, 'database bloat' is prevented. If the file is deleted here, it is not deleted from the Document Store.