
This menu option provides a shortcut to Step 12 of the Payrun Wizard, which enables you to re-print selected reports from a payrun which has been Updated or Completed.

  1. From Navigator select Payroll | Payrun | Reports.
    The Payrun Wizard will open at Step 1, showing all the available payruns to be reported on.
  2. Select the Updated or Completed payrun for which you want to generate a report.
    In the bottom half of the window Open a Payrun for Payrun Reports will be checked automatically.
  3. Click Next.
    The Payrun Wizard displays Step 11 - Reports, showing a list of available reports. The reports that were previously run for the selected payrun will be ticked automatically.
  4. Select the reports that you would like to run.
  5. Click Preview if you would like to view the report prior to printing, or click Print when you are ready to print the report/s.
  6. Click Cancel at Step 11 to exit the Payrun Wizard, or click Next to display the Completed screen, then click OK to close.

You may also print payrun reports from report explorer under System Reports | Payrun. If the required payrun has been closed in the payrun wizard, or you wish to print figures from a group of payruns, for example all January payruns, go to System Reports | Historical.