Online Actions Framework

This is accessed via Admin | HR Framework | Online Actions Framework.

Online Actions may include items such as Induction Training, Surveys, or updating details. The configuration of Online Actions is completed within this Framework area. The configuration will generally consist of a number of Groups which each contain Elements, and you may then link an employee with any Group.

This Framework area links to Online Actions in Employee HR Details, where employees can follow up on Online Actions they have been asked to complete. When the employee logs in to kiosk they will see these associated entries in Online Actions and they can complete them as required.


These are the 'types' of online actions, within which you will have any number of actions (Elements). For example you may have an Inductions Group which contains the Elements 'OHS Induction', 'New Employee - Head Office', and 'New Employee - General'.

Field Explanation
Name Give the Group an appropriate name.
Available Ensure you tick this box to make the Group available - this means that you will be able to add in Elements and then link employees to the Group/Element.
Notes Type in any explanatory notes.
Manager notification Once an employee is linked to a Group/Element, by having this box ticked this means that a notification email will be sent to the linked employee's manager.
Email subject line

If you ticked the Manager notification box, type in the text that will appear as the subject of the notification email.

Email text

If you ticked the Manager notification box, type in the text that will appear in the notification email.

Available Items This box will list all the Elements that have been created, and therefore are available to be used within the current Group.
Selected Items These are Elements that are part of the current Group. To add more Elements from the Available Items list, click and drag them into the Selected Items box. (To remove Elements, click and drag them from Selected Items back to Available Items.) The Elements must be added to this list in the order they need to be undertaken.

Click Update to save changes, and Close to close this pop-up window and return to the Online Actions Framework screen.


These are the actual items that can be used within any of the Groups. Click Add or Edit as required.

Field Explanation
Name Give the Element an appropriate name.
Type Click the drop-down arrow and from the list displayed, select the appropriate Type for this Element. These types, and their associated controls, are described next.
Available Tick this box if this Element needs to be made available to add to a Group.
Notes This is the descriptor for the Element, i.e. attached to this Name/Type, therefore include any relevant information for the current Element.


Once you have selected the Type, click Update - this will activate the associated controls.


Depending on the Type you select, the items in the rest of the window will change, as follows.

Type Window items

Choosing this type allows you to add a document or image to the Element. The process for this is the same as for other areas within HR3people/kiosk; please see Documents -Adding and Editing.

Once you have added the relevant document click Update and Close the window.

  • Class: Choose from Skill, Event, Property, Training - as per Validation Tables in HR3 payroll (Navigator | HR | HR Framework)
  • Type: This list is populated once you have selected the Class. From this list, select the Type which is applicable to this Element.
  • Sub Type: This list is populated once you have selected the Type. From the drop-down list, select the required Sub Type.
  • Fields: The list of fields is displayed based on the Class you've chosen. Tick the boxes for the fields you wish to display for this Element within the Online Action.
  • Notes: Add instructions for this Online Action. This should indicate to the employee what they need to do with regards to this Online Action.

Click Add New.

Specify the required URL, click Test to ensure the link works correctly.

Add instructions for this Online Action in Notes.


Click Add New, complete the fields:

  • Type: There is currently one Action Type - Email.
  • To: Select either Person or Position, then search for the required person/position. This is who will receive the Email for this Online Action.
  • Content: Add the appropriate text to this Content box. This will appear in the Email.

Once you have completed all the fields for the Element, click Update to save the changes, then click Close to close the Element window.

Linked Employees

Once you have created Elements and added them to Groups, you can then link employees to Groups. This means that the linked employee is tasked to complete the specified Online Action, whether it is to update their Drivers Licence details, or read some documents to complete an Induction Training process, etc.

All employees are listed in alphabetical groupings in this section. Locate the required employee, then click the Edit button in the Action column, for that employee.

Note: If the employee you select does not have a Login set up for kiosk, they will not have a tick in the box in the Login column. A message will be displayed asking if you wish to Continue. You may decide to continue with the set-up, and then add their Login details in HR3 payroll later.

Field Explanation
Tick Box Tick this box for each of the listed Online Actions that you want the Linked Employee to complete.
Description This column lists the available Online Actions.
Start Click on the drop-down arrow to display the calendar. Highlight the date that the employee is to start the Online Action.
Due Click on the drop-down arrow to display the calendar. Highlight the date by which the employee is to complete the Online Action.
Completed This indicates that the employee has completed the specified Online Action.


Note: You may choose to create the Groups then the Elements, then return to each Group to add in the relevant Elements. Alternatively, create the Elements first, then create the Groups and add in the Elements immediately.