
Institutions are bodies with which the company interacts, for example any organisation which provides training courses. As a default, all PAYROLL companies will appear automatically in the Institutions table. These will appear in the Institutions list with the Type "Payroll". Institutions can be external organisations such as a technical college which provides accredited training. Each institution entry can store numerous contacts, which can be automatically selected at the time of use. It is no longer mandatory for a training course to be linked to an institution.

To View Institutions or Create a New Institution:

  1. From the navigator, go to HR | HR Framework, then select the Institutions node.
    The pop-up window will display any existing institutions.
  2. Click the expand arrow to the left of the institution name to expand the node.
    Four nodes are displayed: Contacts, Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Documents. Each of these can be expanded to display further associated nodes or information.
    • Note: Is Contact For shows the items to which the current contact is linked. For example, if the contact is an employee, and also a contact for internal training, then both items will be listed. This is for information purposes only.
  3. Select an entry to edit it, or click on the Add New button to create a new institution.
  4. Enter the name of the new institution and click OK.

Institution Contacts - Adding and Editing:

  1. Select the Institution | Contacts from the drop-down list
  2. To edit an existing contact, select the contact name and then edit the contacts fields as required.
  3. To add a new contact, click Add New.
    The Add new contacts screen will open.
  4. Complete the details fields as required.

The search button at the top of the screen appears only when creating a new contact. This allows you to search existing contacts and re-use their details for this contact. It is important to note that one person may have several contact entries, e.g. one person can be an employee, an incumbent and a trainer, so be careful to select the correct contact entry

To add phone number and/or addresses to an institution contact:

  1. Expand the required institution on the left.
  2. Expand the contact to which you will add the details.
  3. Select either the Addresses node or the Phone numbers node on the left.
  4. The existing details will be listed on the right – double click to edit.
  5. Click on the Add New button to create a new record.
  6. To add a new address complete the following fields as required:
  7. Field Explanation
    Address Type Select the relevant type from the drop down list, or select <<Add New>> to create one as you work.
    Preferred Mailing Address If this is the address to be used in mailouts, tick this box. If you only enter one address, this box will be automatically ticked for you.
    Address 1 and 2 Two lines are available for the street address.
    Suburb To auto-complete the address, type the name of the suburb, or part of it, then press the Tab key on the keyboard. You can then select the suburb and postcode from the lower half of the window. If the suburb is not found (e.g. a new development), you can click the Add New button which appears
    Postcode The same auto-complete function applies as for suburb.
    State If you have used auto-complete, these values will be automatically entered. Otherwise, type them in manually.
    Comments Enter any applicable comments.
  8. To add a new phone number complete the following fields as required:
  9. Field Explanation
    Phone type Select the relevant entry from the drop-down list, or select <<Add New>> to create one as you work.
    Preferred number Select this for the contact's primary number. If you only enter one number, this will be selected for you automatically.
    Number Enter the contact number.
    Extension Enter an extension if applicable.
    Comments Enter any comments you wish to record.


When you add or edit an Institution or an Institution Contact, one of the tabs available is User Defined Fields (UDFs). Any UDF added here will be available within Data Explorer - Institutions and Institution Contacts queries.