
The Positions module is the core of the HRpack. Here, you can define the company hierarchy at a functional level (position) and a personal level (position incumbent). Starting with the top-most level (for example CEO), you can define the generic requirements for each position, then add the particulars of the position incumbent followed by the next tier of positions, such as sales managers for individual states. The process is continued until the organisation structure has been built. This structure will be automatically reflected in the organisation chart.

When creating positions, the recommended method is to create the entire position structure from highest to lowest rung (as described below), then return and slot in the incumbents.

Creating Your Organisation Structure:

  1. From the navigator go to HR | Positions.
  2. Select the Positions node on the left, then click the Add New button.
    The Positions screen will open showing nine tabs:
  3. Complete the position details, referring to the following details. Keep in mind that positions are a generic entry only; details of the person who holds that position are defined later in the Position Incumbent.

When adding multiple positions, for ease of data entry the “Reports to” field can be used to add positions deep within the tree structure. Follow the instructions above and then use the Reports to box to place the position within the structure. For example you might be adding the new position at the CEO level, but if you set it to report to the CFO, the reports to setting will place it beneath the Chief Financial Officer in the position structure.