
  • Australian Business Number
  • Australian Company Number
  • The Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations.
  • Australian Taxation Office
  • The data elements that are available for selection. These are usually synonymous with the column headings.
  • An award is a collective agreement governing the wages and conditions of an employment. In HR3pay, the leave terms are controlled by employment conditions, and default rates of pay are controlled by templates.
  • B
  • BSB number. This number identifies the bank, the state in which it operates and the branch at which the account is held.
  • Business Acivity Statement
  • BMS ID is the ATO term for Business Management System ID. It uniquely identifies each ABN entity and their payroll software to the ATO.
  • Bank State Branch
  • C
  • Abbreviation for Community Development Employment Program. A voluntary indigenous employment program, with a major focus on the maintenance and preservation of Indigenous Culture and Communities. A CDEP employee is indicated in the employee file by a checkbox on the 'Characteristics' tab. CDEP wages can be included in the liability for state payroll tax by ticking the checkbox in the Conditions of Employment tab of the employee master file.
  • Company License Key - A code that you will be given by HR3 allowing you to activate your newly created company within your HR3 database.
  • D
  • An element of the costing structure within HR3. From highest to lowest, the structure is country - state - cost centre - department - employee - pay item.
  • An additional costing tag for employee's pay - to tag labour costs with dimensional data.
  • E
  • The ECI Client is an ATO software package which allows you to upload the end-of-year EMPDUPE file directly to the ATO, without the need to send a disk or paper copies. The Client checks your data for errors prior to submission. Check the ATO's 'online services' area for more information.
  • Electronic Employer Reporting, a method by which Centrelink can confirm the earnings of income support customers to ensure that they receive correct payments. With employee consent, HR3 can electronically report the earnings of those employees who are also Centrelink customers.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer
  • The total value of an employee's earnings on which the employer's SGC contribution is calculated. A pay item which has the 'accrue super' checkbox ticked will be included in eligible earnings. This can include all 'ordinary time earnings' such as normal time, salary, annual leave, loadings and commissions. The ATO maintains a current list of what constitutes 'ordinary time earnings'.
  • An electronic file which is sent to the ATO at the end of every financial year. This file replaces the paper copies which were previously sent. The EMPDUPE file contains identification details for your company, payment summary transactions for all selected employees and details of any ETP payments made during the financial year.
  • Employment Management Solutions
  • Employee and Manager Self Service
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Eligible Termination Payment
  • F
  • An abbreviation for Fringe Benefits Tax, a tax levied on certain fringe benefits received by an employee. See also: reportable FBT.
  • Full Time Equivalent
  • G
  • General Ledger Interface
  • H
  • Higher Education Contribution Scheme, also known as Higher Loan Education Program. This is the method by which student co-payments for university fees are paid. An employee's HECS status is set on the taxation tab of the employee file. You should tick the HECS box, and also select a tax scale with weighting for HECS and/or SFSS.
  • A hint is a definition or explanation that appears when you roll your mouse over an image or piece if text.
  • I
  • A picture or symbol that represents an object, task, command, or choice users can select by pointing and clicking with a mouse.
  • An inactive company is one that has not been activated using the CLK.
  • An inactive company is a company that has been partially set up, but either the set up was not completed or it was not activated.
  • The current holder of an office.
  • L
  • The Lodgement Form is the ATO's Magnetic Media Information Tax File Number Declaration Reports form.(Form TD)
  • A reference number or words that identify where the payment had come from for the payee.
  • A lookup table is a list of values from which the user can select.
  • M
  • Multiple Document Interface application.
  • N
  • The Navigator is used to access data and functions within HR3pay. Press F2 at any time to bring it to the front of your screen.
  • O
  • On Cost is an estimated or actual cost (in dollars) which is additional to the value of the labour cost, such as a workcover premium, or telephone expenses.
  • On Cost is an estimated or actual cost (in dollars) which is additional to the value of the labour cost, such as a workcover premium, or telephone expenses.
  • This will specify how to restrict a qualification. Operators include Equal, Less than and Greater than.
  • P
  • Pay As You Go
  • Pay As You Go Withholding
  • Product License Key - Once the HR3 software is purchased, HR3 supplies a PLK for the HR3pay database.
  • Q
  • A request for information from a database such as "Tell me the name and Employee Number of everyone in my company".
  • R
  • Rostered Day Off
  • If the value of certain fringe benefits provided to an employee exceeds a certain amount in the FBT year, the grossed-up taxable value of those benefits must be shown on the payment summary for the relevant financial year. This value can be entered in the employee file under the 'reportable FBT' section. Non-cash pay items can be marked as reportable for FBT.
  • Reportable Employer Super Contribution.
  • S
  • Abbreviation for Student Financial Supplementary Scheme, a scheme for repayment of student loans. It is implemented in a similar manner to HECS in that extra tax is deducted to repay the student loan. On the taxation tab of the employee file, you must select the SFSS check box, and also choose a tax scale with weighting for SFSS and/or HECS.
  • Super Guaranteed Contribution. This is the mandatory contribution to superannuation which the employer must make on behalf of most employees. Certain employees may be exempt from SGC if they meet specific conditions.
  • Superannuation Product Identification Number
  • Single Touch Payroll
  • T
  • Tax File Number
  • U
  • Uniform Naming Convention Path. This path points to the location of a file or resource.
  • Uniform Resource Locator. An Internet address, as well as a standard method of naming files on the Web. A URL begins with a protocol name (such as http), followed by a colon and two forward slashes (//). Next comes the name of the internet server that the file is stored on, followed by directories that hold the file, separated by forward slashes (/). The filename comes last, as shown in the following example:
  • W
  • A web based application is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network such as the Internet or an intranet.
  • Commonly called a browser. A software application for displaying HTML pages on the World Wide Web. Common browser applications include Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
  • Withholding Provider Number. If a company does not have an Australian Business Number, they will generally have a Withholding Provider Number. This is stored on the ATO tab of the company file.
  • X
  • Extensible Mark-Up Language. In this case a mark-up language that has been created specifically for use by Centrelink.