Adding a Document or Image

You may add documents or images to a Leave Request via the Documents & Images tab. For example you may want to add a Medical Certificate to a Personal Leave request. Within this tab there are two options: All Documents and Images Only.

Note: for information on attaching versus loading documents, see Documents.

New Document

Documents can be added, or edited, via the All Documents option.

Adding a Document via Add New

  1. Once you are in the Documents & Images tab, click Add New. The Documents screen will open, showing the Details tab.
  2. Click Browse to the right of the File Path field, to find the file you wish to add.
  3. Highlight the file, then click Open. The Document Load window is displayed:
  4. The Document Load message - specify which method is required

  5. Select either Attach or Load, as required. It should then display a ‘Success’ message.
  6. Type a document name into the Title field – this is the only mandatory field. This title will display on any document-listing screen.
  7. If required, complete the following information:
  8. Note that other than the Title field, all these fields are optional (or are automatically completed).

    Field Explanation
    File Path This is an automatic field. For an attached document it will show the file path. For a loaded document it will show the file name only.
    Title Type in an appropriate title for the document
    Description Enter a description for the document, which will show on the position document listing screen
    Tags This field is not in use at present
    Document ID The system automatically assigns a unique ID to identify the document internally. You cannot edit this value.
    External Reference Enter any details required to reference the document externally, e.g. a barcode, or the original file source location (e.g. the network address)
    Document URL Add the URL (website address) if the document is located via the internet.
    Review Date Documents may need to be monitored and reviewed at regular or specific intervals. This field allows you to specify the appropriate date for the document to be reviewed. The review date will appear in the Review Date column when you are viewing the grid (showing the list of attached documents).
    Properties This section will be populated with relevant properties automatically once you have attached/loaded the document and clicked OK to save and close the window.
    File type: This lists the three or four letter extension of the current document, (e.g. xls or docx)
    File status: This specifies the location to where the document was last checked out.
    Link status: This shows the node to which the document has been loaded, for example Hazards or Incidents.
    Created: This is the date the document was created, as per Windows® properties.
    Locked: This shows whether a loaded document is available for editing.
    Modified: This is the date the document Details were modified, e.g. Description updated.
    User Defined
    This area will display any UDFs that have been created, along with any associated data.
  9. Click OK to save the changes and close the Documents window.


For each document or image, there are publishing options to consider:

The Publish Options within Documents

  1. Once you are in the Documents tab, double click the relevant document
  2. Open the Publish tab
  3. If necessary, use the drop-down arrow next to Security Level to select the appropriate level.
    Each person who logs in to HR3kiosk has an associated Security level, as specified by the system administrator. Security levels range from 0 to 9.
    For example, if a user is Security level 5, they will be able to see items at Security level 5 and below. Therefore, if you apply Security level 5 to an image, any user with Security level 5 or above will be able to view the image.
  4. Tick the HR3kiosk check box to enable the document/image to be viewed within HR3people.

Note: URL addresses can be included in News Items, Notices, Policies, and any other Documents area. Currently these URL addresses must be a maximum of 200 characters. If you enter a URL that is longer than this, it will be truncated when the item is saved, and therefore not work correctly when used. We suggest you use a URL shortening service such as 'tinyurl' to circumvent this issue.

New Image

Images can be added, or edited, via the Images Only option.

  1. Click Images Only.
  2. Regardless of whether there is an image displayed or not, right mouse click in the displayed pane:
  3. Click Add Photo.
  4. From the Explorer window displayed, select the image required, then click Open.
  5. The image will be displayed in the Images Only pane.
  6. If you add multiple images to this area, thumbnails of the images are displayed in the bottom half of this pane.
  7. If you want to make an image available for viewing in the associated area of HR3people, this needs to be specified via All Documents. In the list of All Documents, highlight the image and click Edit.
  8. Go to the Publish tab and tick the HR3Kiosk check box:
    The Publish Tab in Documents and Images
  9. By default the Security Level is 0 (zero) - this means there is no restriction. If necessary, choose a Security Level from 1 to 9.
  10. Click OK to save the changes and close this window.